Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day Five...six...and seven!

Blah! I been a bad blogger! I haven't posted in a few days. But wanted to let everyone know I completed week one of Jillian's TBR! Now since I was sick on Thursday, I made that my "Sunday". So Friday I did workout one, Saturday workout two and today I did Cardio one. Ya know at first I dread Cardio one. Those running/ski "thingies" in place will aggravate my right knee somewhat. I know I am going to need to get it checked out soon. Arthritis runs in my family. But I do know once I warm up and become consistent with my exercises the pain eventually becomes non-existent. Besides feeling like I pushed myself 100% and working up a gross sweat; I really don't have much else to report. The diet could be better. To help this I pre-made my meals last night for the next two days. I hid my debit card so I don't go out to eat. And I told my friends that if we meet up; it's not over food. I'm kind of going into hiding for the rest of March. I have the next three weeks free before I start my new job. This is a time of personal reflection; accessing my goals, read a bunch of books. Finally compile together all the lyrics I been writing since God knows when. One goal I plan to make this week is to add an additional workout to my day. So that way there I am working out in the morning and in the evening. Jillian has a one-week jumpstart plan within her guides. Normally one would do this before they start their 90 days. So that's my challenge: Two workouts everyday. I got the time, and I can feel my energy levels already increasing to where I can feel myself wanting to work out when I wake up. One thing I would like to do is list all the reasons why I want to get healthy and lose weight. 1.) My wardrobe. I got a ton of cute jean skirts and other things that I can no longer fit into. Living in Arizona, our Summer starts like next week. 2.) Competition: I made a bet with an old "friend". We bet on who can become the most fit in 90 days. I would like that person's mouth to drop upon meeting up in a few months. 3.) Feeling good, both mentally and physically. Working out and eating clean boosts endorphins; making one's brain send out happy chemicals. Consistent exercise is good for one's digestive health, good for the heart, lungs, you name it. I just don't want to be a lazy ass sloth on the couch. 4.) Follow through: When 2014 hits, I want to NOT make losing weight my resolution. I want to look back on the year and feel a sense of pride for following through on my goals and being proud for creating a new life filled with healthy life-style choices. 5.) I want to be a RockStar: I used to be lead vocalist for a great band. But I really held back on stage due to my physical insecurities. To really rock out and have that sexy stage presence, losing weight will just be icing to the cake. 6.) When I am healthier, my face looks better. My skin clears up, my face thins out. I have high cheek bones and big brown eyes. I've been blessed with symmetrical features, but I know when I am a thinner person; these features pop out. 7.) Attitude: My confidence goes up. My attitude and outlook is brighter. I wake up happier. The routine becomes second nature. Healthy people are overall a happier group. 8.) Endurance. You never know when the zombie Apocalypse is going to hit. And when it does, you gotta be ready to outrun those suckers. 9.) Events: I got my Birthday in June, and a family reunion in July. It would be pretty stellar to see some results by then. 10.) Me: I'm doing this for me. I want to live a long life. I want to look damn good at 50. I'm single, I have no children. At the end of the day, it's just me. Only I can push myself, only I can set the example.

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