Saturday, March 16, 2013

Week 2 Workout 3: Cardio madness

Well I'm up early. Which is good, because I need to be. Even while unemployed I do not sleep in ever past 8. I think I did that once, but was up till 2 am the night before. What a waste of the day to be sleeping in! So once my new job starts I need to be up no later than 4:30 am. I have to drive clear across town for training and I MUST get this workout in before I get ready for work. Since I am going to run a 5K with a girlfriend in May, I need to spend my evenings jogging. So the goal is to get up no later than 4:30...wake up...have coffee...and start my workout no later than 5 am...Be in the shower by 5:35 and be out the door for 6:45 am to be at work for 8! Yea, it takes me over an hour to get ready for work. Hey, ya can't rush perfection! Man, typing that makes me want to crawl back in bed! Anyways. About an hour after I posted yesterday's blog I went ahead and did Cardio one. Three days in a row now to where I have completed two workouts in a day! So far, so good. :) After that, I added some pushups. One thing I have noticed that even in the past two weeks now my pushups are getting more, hmmm maybe fluid? Now right now all I can do are girlie pushups. BUT I can do more and more. Pushups are a part of Workout one. But I am doing them on other days as well. So today's goal: Cardio one and my 45 minute Avanced Tae-Bo workout. The basic is too easy for me. Well, I still work up a sweat; but I need to PUSH MYSELF TODAY. In addition to the workouts, pushups, chest, and abs. I need to keep my abs sore, and that ab-wheel really kicked my ass...on Sunday...and I can still slightly feel it. Wish me luck. In addition to all this I joined It's's social networking website. Surfing through all the progress pics of both men and women is pretty inspiring. And I think I just fell in love with male bodybuilding competitor. He's not "Incredible Hulk" big, ya know, the kind of body builder that's just totally on 'roids. He is just perfect in every way, shape and form...and I am literally wiping the drool off the keyboard...what was I talking about? Oh yea! WORKOUT TIME BITCHES!

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