Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 2: Workout 2

I have to be honest and say today was tough. I have been pretty BLAH these past couple days. Didn't have the motivation earlier to do anything but sit on the couch, feel defeated and watch old Star Trek Next generation episodes on Netflix. But I got up. Turned off the Netflix and turned on the Jillian. I said to myself: "Alicia, you will not feel down. You will COMMIT". And I did. And overall I feel better. Something's been on my mind for the past, well, forever it seems like. I won't go into too much detail. I am here to talk to you about my fitness journey, not the matters of my heart. Just having a hard time getting over "something". When I dream about it every night, well it's tough to wake up in a good mood about me, myself and I. And then it's in the back of my mind, like all the time. So what do I do to overcome these sad moments? I try to write in the morning the things I am grateful for. I also write down affirmations. It may be silly, but it helps. I also pray. I am not a religious person, but do believe in God and that he has a plan for me. I give it to God when I am feeling defeated and broken (and when I am happy). Ya know what else? I also think of Barney Stinson from "How I met your Mother" and this: It's silly, but motivating! This pic makes me smile every time. Okay so anyways. I completed Workout two. I can't believe this is the second week. These 90 days are going to be up in no time. I am STILL sore from the ab-wheel from Sunday! The diet these past two days has been good overall. I am keeping it to around 1250 calories and under 100 carbs (before fiber). Still afraid to do the "Supermans" in this workout. I am doing planks instead. My lower back has been feeling a little funky lately so I don't want to overwork that area. My body is feeling like it's going through some changes. I have not yet completed my second workout for today. Wish me luck!

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