Monday, March 25, 2013

Week Four!

I can't believe phase one is just about over. This is the last week of workout's three and four. Then I start Phase two! Man has time flown! Okay so I've had both a GREAT weekend and...kind of a crap one. So the good thing is even though I have not been blogging everyday like I promised to myself I would; I have been working out in addition to following Jillian's schedule every single day-except today. I think I burned about 10,000 calories just over the weekend and quite frankly I think I KILLED my back! So let's start with the awesomeness that was my Friday. So in addition to the 30 minutes of the Jillian, I also went to the gym and did about 45 minutes on the Elliptical. Well I burned about 900 calories just in that day. BUT, I only consumed about 1000 calories Friday. Which is not a real god idea. So Friday evening my good friend and I went to go see Clutch. It was by far one of the best shows I have been too. In addition to it being one of the best, I also had the opportunity to be right up front, something I've never got to do at any concert before (unless you count Loverboy at the casino, just not the same). Being up front at a show like that comes with a price. Just to give you an idea, Clutch fans are pretty much nothing but adrenaline-pumping, hot, sweaty tattooed-bearded men. Like, ratio was 12 dudes for every girl. Me and my girl-bud was definitely loving that. So being up in the front, my girlfriend and I were man-smothered and totally surrounded with testosterone. The squished-up circle of dudes that were around us were pretty nice and as "protecting" as they could be from the drunks, the mosh pits, and aggressive crowd surfers and people trying to push their way to the front. Hey, we knew what we were getting into by being so close to the stage. Not only was I almost smothered to death multiple times, but also kicked in the head. My girl was picked up and pretty much thrown into the mosh pit. At 5'4, 110 pounds soaking wet, that girl can for sure hold her own. It was so much fun and probably once of the best times I had with so much adrenaline pumping through me. By the time the concert was finished, I was nothing but a hot mess. I swear I burned easily another 900 calories. Being on my feet for 5 hours in boots wasn't the best idea for Friday, but I looked great! So after Friday night, my lower back had started to bug. I ignored it. Sunday was an off day for Jillian, so I decided to really devote some time for cardio. I also wanted to burn the three pieces of pizza I had at my niece's birthday party from Saturday. So I did three miles on the elliptical, and I did a 5K on the treadmill. The overkill from the weekend, not eating enough overall, and not stretching made me wake up this morning at 2 am which a tight, burning sensation in my lower back. I got crap sleep, and spent the day on the couch, with an ice pack on my lower back and my legs propped up. With my back hurting the last thing I wanted to do were planks up. Sorry Jillian, but I don't want to strain anything. Although I didn't follow Jillian's plan today, I did hit up the Elliptical at the gym for about 50 minutes. With that I burn a lot of calories, and was able to give my back and knees a rest. So I am just going to be a day behind is all. This is my last week of unemployment! I am very stokes and anxious to be working. And now some pics from Friday. The first is of me and my girl AFTER the show. Exhausted and drained. The Second is the lead singer of Clutch-Neil Fallon. Happy Monday!

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