Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day Four: Sick Fail

So I been laid up on the couch pretty much all day. I'm on the second episode of BattleStar Galactica (yes, I like me my sci-fi). I've actually been sick with whatever's been going around. Problem is, I been sick off and on since the beginning of the year. So I been on antibiotics for about a week now. I hate taking meds and try to avoid them and go natural at all costs. But when my tonsils get affected it seems as though the only way to get better is with antibiotics. So anyways. I felt better earlier this week. Started feeling it again yesterday. And now today. Well lets just say tomorrow I need to do BOTH workouts. I am so ready to kick this bug permanently in the ASS!
Since I'm not working out today, I thought I would go over my diet. My biggest weakness is food. I love my carbs. Pizza. Pasta. Burritos. Thankfully I never do dairy and I don't crave sweets. But man, carbs will get me. Hence the weight gain and all the reasons why to cut them down and out! So this time around I consulted my friend and bought the Paleo Diet book. I haven't read it yet, but have the gist if how it works. Jillian's plan is very good, but I'm a simple cook. I don't have time (well,overall) to cook elaborate meals. Give me the basics. So I'm eating chicken, fish, eggs, fruits like bananas and tangerines, berries. Veggies like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, peppers, spaghetti squash. Sweet potatoes. I'm avoiding margarine and cooking with olive oil. I use stevia in my coffee and drink lots if water. I'm still struggling with it and have slipped this week. But I'm trying to be mindful and boy it can be tough.
Tomorrow is a new day. I will feel better!

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