Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday Pre-Game

Howdy peeps! Eve here and I am going to try this whole Blog-action once again. Now I am not the savviest of writers. I may have my moments and you may laugh at my posts, find inspiration, or just go..."meh". But I am going to make the commitment to take the time EVERYDAY for the next 90 days and blog about my success on the Jillian Michael's 90-day Total Body Revolution. So I decided that enough was enough-I gotta commit this time. I keep starting and then stopping. I have been struggling with my weight throughout the years. Well this past year and a half I gained about 50 pounds. Boooo on me and Booo on how I got lost there for a bit. See, my end-all goal is to be so toned and trimmed that an Insanity workout would be like second nature to me. I kinda want to look like, well, as close to a fitness model as I possibly can. With curve. I got a booty and quite frankly I like some of my meat. :) But I got a long ways to go. So in order to one day post my transformation story on, I figure, Jillian's 90 day program would be a GREAT way to start my new lifestyle. Jillian to me is one bad-ass bitch. She is no bull, blunt and to the point. But even with her drill-sargent tactics, she has a sense of playfulness and sincerity in her approach. To me, she cares. Losing weight and getting in shape is NOT and easy thing. Coaches are not meant to be passive and docile. They are meant to KICK YOUR ASS. Jillian fulfills that for me. She's beautiful, quirky, has a great body, and exudes the confidence and attitude that I strive for. She's someone I could kick it with. Okay so the Program is this: 90 days. Monday through Saturday. There are three phases and each phase lasts for four weeks...getting progressively harder. So this week my schedule is as follows: Monday: Workout 1 Tuesday Workout 2 Wednesday: Cardio 1 Thursday: Workout 1 Friday: Workout 2 Saturday: Cardio Each workout lasts for 30 minutes. See I figure this would be a great way to start a circuit training program. P90X is a bitch, and I think this is phase one of my journey. With this blog I will comment on the workouts, Jillian and her hot group of workout buddies. I will also post what I am eating that day, how I feel, and meh-life stuff :) Thanks for tuning in. Throughout my blog I'll fill you in a little bit more on me and my life. Tomorrow I'll post my before picture, jot down my measurements. YIKES! Don't judge. LOL

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