Monday, March 4, 2013

Day One: Workout One

Ya know it was somewhat amusing having an audience this morning while I worked out. I got my black cat Dexter on the entertainment center. He's giving me stink eye while I do my squats. My other cat, a yellow tabby named William Shatner (best cat ever), looking pleased from the doggie bed he is lazily lounging in. And Tequila, the Cockatoo, bouncing up and down while I do my cardio interval. Geez. Just completed Workout One. And I feel pretty good! Now I have attempted this before. Last year I got all the way through the first five weeks with an old friend of mine and then, well, life happened. I can remember in those first five weeks losing some weight, inches and an increase in my strength and endurance. Overall, I'm quite familiar with what the next month is going to bring me. These first two weeks is all about getting your body used to the workouts and working on your stability. A lot of core strengthening and working out little muscles in with the big ones (like doing lunges and bicep curls at the same time). Workout One is all about shoulders, triceps, chest, thighs and some abs. I really like the Leg Abductions (See pic below). I'm pretty capable of keeping my leg up the whole time; without ever stumbling or touching the floor. Jillian also has you add a side crunch, really honing in on those key muscles... I love how she picks on Omar; the cutie boy in the front. One thing I love about Jillian are her little antidotes. Her one- liners can be both blunt and in-you-face. She can also be motivating and encouraging. Two of my favorite quotes from her in this workout: "you might feel a little ridiculous doing this, and I quite honestly don't care", and, "you just don't realize how strong you are. You think you can't do it. You think you're gonna die. But I promise you. If you JUST PUSH WITH US FOR FIVE MORE will realize, that you had it in you the entire time" Annnd bicycle crunches. I love them and hate them at the same time. If you dislike something, I say all the more reasons to be doing them! See, I figure if you don't like to do something, like running, then you need to be doing it. We are too lazy a society and too quick to cater to only what we want to do, and not what we should be doing. Its about discipline really. Anyways, not only do I feel crazy knots in my lower stomach, but also in my thighs when I do these crunches. So, I gotta push myself and really focus when I have to do them. Later today I am also adding some cardio. I am going to bust out the Tae-bo. I got the time and energy right now to really hone in on making exercise a lifestyle and I really want to get back into making working out a natural part of my life. I've taken my before photos. You can see them below. I have my weight and measurements written down. At this moment I won't be sharing this information. I will however, provide updates on inches and pounds lost throughout these 90 days. At the very end I do plan to share my before stats Make sense? Well that's me! In the flesh. The first one I took last Friday, right before an interview. The second one about a month ago, right before going out with girlfriends.

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