Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day Two: Workout Two

I waited way too long today to get this workout in. I don't really have an excuse other than the shitty sleep I got the night before. Today was pretty much cleaning house, and making several phone calls and inquiries regarding my former employment verification with Starbucks (Yep, I was a coffee slinger in my early twenties). No excuses for tomorrow. So anyways...besides when I squeeze my buttocks (which for some reason I do often, especially when I sing, which I also do often), I'm not really sore from yesterday's workout. I feel it a bit right above the knee, and a bit from the shoulders we did yesterday. But I added more shoulders after my workout. I think I can probably go up in my weights. I'm using 8 pounders right now for most everything. 5 pounders for my triceps and when we add lower body in with shoulders. I'm thinking maybe I need to push myself a bit more. Sink more into the squats, hold heavier weights. Or maybe I need to take advantage of these two weeks of phase one, where it is meant to wean you into the more intense workouts. Okay Workout Two consists of working out your back, biceps, glutes, hamstrings and your core. Now I have to be careful with my lower back. I have two compressed discs back there. Being that I have weight to lose and my core isn't as strong as it used to be; any workouts involving my lower back I gotta do something else instead. Last thing I need to be is laid up on the couch for two days. So I figure for right now, when Jillian has you doing "Supermans", I'll do a plank instead. After doing this, my core can feel it from yesterdays workout. In fact, I am super mindful of my core with every workout. It's all about strength and stability. Your core is essential to everything. In fact, I am engaging my core as we speak. Work core, WORK! I really like the donkey kicks and the hamstring workouts. I know I'm going to feel those tomorrow! The bicep workouts I am also going to feel. I really like the sore-factor the next day. It's like pain and weakness leaving the body, ya know? It feels like I did something right. Jillian is very playful in this workout. She continues to pick on Omar and Mimi, and now Kento, the hot guy in the front with his shirt off! "Look at that! Look at that body!" Yes, Jillian, I do see his body...as I wipe the drool off my face... So I tried to post a 30-second clip taken from about 20 minutes into the workout. For some reason I can't seem to figure out how to embed the video in. Basically, Jillian says the following: "Stop and remind yourself why am I doing this? When you have a WHY to live for; you can tolerate any "how". Because over the NEXT 90 days I am going to BEAT YOUR ASS, EVERYDAY. REPEATEDLY. And if you don't have a REASON why, I guarantee you you will find the HOW, unbearable". Well said Jillian. No matter what you do in life, if there is no value or purpose behind what it is you desire, how to get there will seem impossible and will probably not happen. I know my reasons why. What is yours?

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