Saturday, March 16, 2013

The rest of my WEEK TWO...

Have you ever had those "I suck at life" weeks? Well that was this week for me. Boy have I had a hormonal week! And I feel bad for not blogging everyday, especially since I've been meaning too and had the time. Okay so what is today? Saturday? Well ya know Wednesday I had a crummy day and didn't workout. Thursday I got right back into the Jillian. I realized that that would have been the last time I would complete workout one. Next week I start workouts three and four! Progression, baby! Well I completed workout one with ease and also added 30 minutes of Cardio. In addition to that, I worked out my shoulders, biceps and abs. That was a good day. Friday I woke up feeling like lady-poo. So I napped. And watched A LOT of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. WHICH is the best show ever in the world. And once a year I watch all the seasons (that and Angel). Well since I could use a little girl-power inspiration, and have two more weeks before I start my new job, I figure this is the perfect time to feed my inner slayer. So Friday I did NOT work out. I think I could have though. I was feeling lazy, exhausted, and hormonal. The last thing I should have done was NOT workout. I guess it's not the end of the world though. I just cannot make it a habit to let my emotions take over my goals. Come rain or shine, I must workout. So today I went to the gym. Did about an hour and a half of solid, sweaty-kick-my-own-ass cardio. But I did miss workout two of the Jillian. Today I was suppose to do her Cardio one. But I really wanted to just run. And do the elliptical. And blast some Disturbed in my ears. And just shut out the world, ya know? Tomorrow I am going hiking. It's been while since and the weather is getting GORGEOUS! So tomorrow after my hike, that's the goal, get in Jillian's workout two. It's also been tough to snag the TV this weekend, as my step-mom's daughter-in-law and her little ones are here. So that's it. My week. I missed two days this week. But kicked ass the rest. I am only human. And tomorrow is a new day.

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