Monday, March 18, 2013

Week THREE: Workout THREE!

Oh Monday. Ya know I really can't wait to get back to work. Two more weeks! So yesterday I ended my first two weeks of the TBR with a nice two-hour hike of South Mountain. Was also able to catch up with a new friend I made from my old job. I am nice and sore today from the hike. My calves, glutes, thighs, and hamstrings are nice and tight. It was seriously tough to get up and out of bed this morning. So before I started the second half of Phase one; I went to the gym and got 45 minutes of cardio in before I busted out workout three. Which kicked my ass, by the way. The Plank ups, Sumo Squats with shoulder presses. The inch-worms. Oh the inch-worms. One thing though is Jillian has you go right into push ups once you are warmed up. I STILL have a tough time with the girlie push ups! HAHA! I have no quotes from this workout. I am just way too wiped out today. I will report more tomorrow. Overall, Workout three is for sure a step up from workouts one and two.

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