Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week Three. Day...Four. Workout Three

Man, it's hard to try and blog EVERYDAY. I get side tracked, or just a little lazy. But ya know what I have NOT been lazy with? My Jillian! I'm behind on my updates. So Tuesday was Workout four. It was like a slightly more intense version of Workout two. Workout two you did "Good Mornings" with no weights. Workout four, you did "Good Mornings" with heavy weights. I really enjoy how Jillian has fun with her peeps. It makes me giggle throughout the thirty minutes. Natalie even sticks her tongue out at Jillian and Mimi conducts the class for a hot minute. I also just found a website where you can check out cast members and their profiles. Check it out here: My favorite cast member? David. Why? Because he is so nice to look at! I had to google him. I suggest you do the same :) So Yesterday I was out and about all day. I didn't get to do Cardio one, but I did meet with a friend at the gym and busted out 55 minutes of cardio. I still did the work son! Today, Workout three and going to the gym for some more cardio. I am still focused on doing more than just the workouts. For me, I feel that I need more than just thirty minutes. Well I am off for the day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alicia!

    First of all, thanks so much for mentioning my blog! I get a lot of anonymous visits every day from fans of Body Revolution, Insanity, P90X, and P90X2. I don't post a new cast profile as often as I would like, but I am looking for the cast members who have a real website to connect with fans, rather than a personal Facebook page. I'll do the best I can!

    My blog has moved to the Home Fitness Geek website,

    How did Body Revolution go for you?
